The Spirit Bear Coffee Company roasts and sells certified organic fair-trade beans, with a mission to give back to various environmental social initiatives. Their name fully embodies the Spirit Bear, a symbolic gift of peace and harmony to all creatures of the earth. Spend your money in a way that will give multitudes, and purchase some Spirit Bear coffee for yourselves or loved ones

RHTea is an Indigenous tea company run by mother and daughter Cease Wyss and Senaqwila Wyss, experienced Indigenous ethnobotanists from the Squamish Nation. They have a passion for sharing plant medicinal teachings with all people. Their handcrafted small batch loose leaf teas are sourced seasonally from harvested plants, or traded from neighbouring communities.
Spirit Bear Coffee: $20/400g whole beans (Frog Breakfast, Orca Dark, Dolphin Decaf)
RHTea: $13/bag loose leaf tea (Spring Tonic, Ginger Moon, Winter Solstice)
Ordering: MunchaLunch
Order Deadline: Dec 14
Delivery: Dec 19 (delivered to student’s class, email to make alt arrangements)
Contact: SecordPAC@gmail.com