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FamilySmart: Child & Youth Mental Health, 

Every other year, PAC seeks out presentations exclusively for parents to provide information on topics that have been requested or that we think might be of interest or of use to our parent community.  With Covid, there has been an uptick of children suffering from anxiety, depression and a whole myriad of other mental health issues.  Often trying to navigate through our system and find help for our children is confusing and frustrating.  This year we have reached out to FamilySmart, who work through the BC Children's Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre, which offers family peer support.  They are a national non-profit that provides aid in navigating the complex BC system, resources, training, and emotional support to families in British Columbia with children and youth who are struggling with mental health or substance use issues. Often, we as parents, focus so much on helping our children that we forget about ourselves.   


On Tuesday, February 25th, Laura Secord PAC will be hosting an evening with FamilySmart with two of their parent peer supporters, Melina and Amy, both with lived experiences.  The presentation will be from 6:30-7:30 pm and will give an overview of FamilySmart, what is does and how you can access their help, followed by Melina and Amy sharing their experiences and then a Q & A where you can ask more specific questions that may be more useful to yourself. 


Free childcare will be available, provided by our senior students (all with their baby sitting certificates).  All parents and caregivers in our community are welcome (not just Secord parents), so you can spread the word.  Please sign up here and indicate if you'll need childcare and how many children you'll be bringing.


Find out how FamilySmart started.




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