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At our AGM on May 29th we voted in our new 2024/2025 PAC Exec.  I am happy to say that we have some fresh faces and am excited to have some new perspective and new voices to join our group.  Your new Execs are:


Co-Chair - Anna Bishop

Co-Chair - Robyn Wong

Vice-Chair - Unfilled

Treasurer - Jenna Siddle 

Secretary - Laura Braude

Communications Coordinator - Caroline Kansy


Members At Large:

Tatiana Ruvalcaba

Evangeline Alaraj

Lori Sahlen

Christina Yee

Eugenio (Keno) Cornejo

Kalen Chang

Lindsie Tomlinson


DPAC Rep (not currently an Exec role, but our liaison to the District PAC and an important role)

Courtney Morrice


I'd like to thank all the outgoing Execs for their commitment and work that they have done throughout the year.  Their contribution to the school and the kids have been invaluable.  Thank you to:


Allison Murray

Naomi Adams

Jamie Philips

Rebecca Megyesi


A special shout out to Kalen Chang for her four years as Treasurer, a very challenging job at times with such a big school, but she handled it all with poise and grace.  We are not saying good bye to her though, since she has graciously agreed to stay on the Exec as a Member at Large to help with the treasurer transition.




Find us: 

2500 Lakewood Drive, Vancouver, BC  V5N 4V1

Ph:  604-713-4996 / 604-713-4984


Safe Arrivals Line: 604-713-5159 Ext. 74

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