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Proposed Budget- 2024/2025

At the AGM PAC Meeting on May 29th, we will be reviewing and voting on our budget for the new school year.  Please review the below proposed budget that the Exec are presenting and if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, you can voice them at the meeting.  Nothing in the budget is set until the entire PAC (you included) votes to approve it.


This meeting will be hybrid, both in person in the Innovation Lab and online, to give everyone an opportunity to have their say.  Go to  PAC MEETING DATES, to find the Zoom link.

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 10.39.05 PM.png

Find us: 

2500 Lakewood Drive, Vancouver, BC  V5N 4V1

Ph:  604-713-4996 / 604-713-4984


Safe Arrivals Line: 604-713-5159 Ext. 74

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