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Supporting Neurodiverse Families Workshop 

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Thank you for everyone that joined us to hear Suzanne speak.  We've had some very positive feedback from parents and hope that everyone that came took something helpful away from this talk.

Here is a link to the slides that were shared at the presentation as requested by some of the parents.  They are slightly different than the ones sent before the presentation and has some useful links for resources.  Presentation slides.


Suzanne also left us with her contact information and said that if anyone in our parent community would like to reach out to her for more advice, information or just to have a fuller conversation, please feel free to email her at,

Want to hear a bit more from Suzanne? Check out these videos: 

The Story Untold is the Story not Healed (17 min)
What to Do if Your Child Doesn't Get What They Need (25 min)


Find us: 

2500 Lakewood Drive, Vancouver, BC  V5N 4V1

Ph:  604-713-4996 / 604-713-4984


Safe Arrivals Line: 604-713-5159 Ext. 74

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