Over 20 years ago two parents who found themselves trying to navigate the system with children with mental health issues started FamilySmart. This organization is committed to child and youth mental health and their commitment has only grown over time. Exceptional care and caring is what children, youth and families deserve and it’s what they stay committed to.
They help children and young people by helping their family and other caring adults.
They know children and young people do better when the adults who care about
them are supported.
What They Offer
Videos for families and caregivers on mental health and/or substance use topics. They share experiences and strategies that help in the hard moments and focus on strengthening our understanding and connection with our kids.
Are you a parent or caregiver of a child or youth who has been a patient in a psychiatric unit or had an ER visit due to their mental health?
It’s really tough to be going through hard stuff with a child or youth who is struggling with their mental health and they end up in crisis – and we want to help.
We know what it’s like because we’ve been there.
Help for the Hard Times workshops are hosted online and facilitated by parents with lived experience.
Monthly Events
Every month, they host online events for parents & caregivers who are parenting a child or youth with a mental health and/or substance use challenge called “in the know.” They will watch a video and share experiences and strategies that help in the hard moments and focus on strengthening your understanding and connection with your kids.
Online events are facilitated by FamilySmart Parent Peer Support Workers.
Check out this month's events.