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Come join us on Tuesday, September 26th from 4pm for a welcome back event.  There will be a school self led tour where you will be able to go around the school with your kiddo as your guide.  Collect the stamps at all the different stops and turn in your completed card at the end for a little prize.  Some of your teachers have also opted to do their "meet the teacher" night on the same night.  Don't worry about dinner, we have you covered, you can pre-order pizza by the slice or an entire pie for the family through your hotlunch account at (pizza will be available from 5pm).  If you forget to order, there will be limited slices for sale for $2 a slice (please bring toonies or exact change if possible).  And don't forget dessert...hopefully we will get enough bakers to volunteer their skills to have a bake sale.  And of course the main event...our first PAC meeting of the year will start at 6:30pm.  Come learn about all the fun things we have planned for the year and see how you can get involved and sign up!  The PAC Exec and admin will be there to answer all your burning questions.  And as always, there will be free babysitting available in the small gym.  Hope to see you all there!!!!!

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